Figure Skating

Hamilton Community Center & Ice Arena is home to the U.S. Figure Skating’s, Lincoln Center Figure Skating Club (LCSC). We are proud to host LCSC and to be able to provide to the members of our community, as a result of our partnership, the programs, shows and lessons that come along with them! We invite you to explore in greater depth, the coaches, members of the club, and details of the club itself by visiting their website. We also invite you to register for one of our figure skating program listed below, or visit us during our punch card sessions.

Figure Skating Punch Cards
Our 45-minute practice sessions offered before and after school allow skaters of all ages and abilities to work on their skating skills and/or have private lessons. Please see the monthly punch card schedule or call for additional information. Download a copy of our current month’s punch card schedule.

See Daily Ice Schedule and look for Punch Card Sessions. Daily Ice Calendar

Session TypeFee*
Walk On$10
12 Sessions$84
24 Sessions$156
48 Sessions$312
96 Sessions$600
*Sessions are non-refundable.