Full-time, Part-time & Seasonal Employment Opportunities & Application Process
To view all job openings or to apply online visit City of Columbus Employment Opportunities or call or email Columbus Parks and Recreation at 812-376-2680 or parks@columbus.in.gov to make an appointment to apply in person if you need help, accommodations or don’t have access to the internet elsewhere. We welcome all applicants and are pleased to schedule an appointment for you to apply in person.
Full-Time Positions: Apply Now!
Part-time & Seasonal Job opportunities: Apply Now!
Donner Pool
Swim Instructor
Hamilton Community Center and Ice Arena
Skate Guard
Office Supervisor
Columbus Gymnastics Center
Donner Center
Building Supervisor
Fieldhouse Ticketing/Concessions
Fieldhouse League Supervisor
Building Supervisor
Child Watch Staff
Fitness Client Care Specialist
Front Office
Parks Grounds
Park Horticulture
Athletic Fields
Golf Courses
Hamilton Community Center and Ice Arena
Playground Supervisor
Day Camp/Preschool
Other General Recreation
Batting Cage Attendant
Tennis Instructor
Sports Supervisor
Golf Courses
Range Ball Pickler
Golf Cart Attendant
Farmer’s Market
Information Booth
Park Patrol
All applications are held on file until the end of each calendar year.
The City of Columbus is an Equal Opportunity Employer- Discrimination in employment because of race, religion, creed, color, natural origin, ancestry, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or liability for service in the Armed Forces of the United States is prohibited by City policy. In addition, the City employment policy requires compliance with national and state employment practices, laws and regulations.
La Ciudad de Columbus es un Empleador de igualdad de oportunidades- la discriminación en el empleo por motivos de raza, religión, credo, color, origen natural, ascendencia, discapacidad, edad, sexo, orientación sexual, identidad de género o servicio en las Fuerzas armadas de los EEUU está prohibida por la política de la Ciudad. Además, la política de empleo de la Ciudad requiere el cumplimiento de las prácticas, leyes y regulaciones laborales nacionales y estatales.