Jack Cramer – Ideals of Athletic Competition
This award program is dedicated to the memory of John H. (Jack) Cramer, an outstanding local athlete, who throughout his lifetime fully demonstrated what we have termed the Ideals of Athletic Competition. Below is a composite of these ideals.
Dedication – by dedicating oneself to the purpose of winning the competition while on the field of athletic competition.
Preparation – by preparing oneself for the competition through practice and mental and physical conditioning to the highest level of one’s potential.
Determination – by pursuing the conduct of the game with a tenacious determination from start to finish of the assigned encounter.
Maximum Exertion – by exerting oneself through personal desire and the natural exhilaration of the competition to the limit of one’s speed and endurance.
Team Contribution – by serving the interests of the team in offering encouragement and acceptance to those of lesser ability; in offering the certainty of one’s efforts and interest to those of greater ability; and thereby retaining the faith of those teammates in the constancy of one’s purpose in fulfilling the assigned role.
Fair Play – by observing the spirit and letter of the game rules without regard to which competitor an individual rule may favor at any one moment of the play.
Sportsmanship – by conducting oneself in such a manner which, in victory, serves to enhance one’s own accomplishment; which, in defeat, does not diminish the accomplishment of one’s opponent; and which, in either event, allows sportsmanship to grace the efforts of all those engaging in the contest.
Award Recipients (PDF)
The 2024 Cramer Award Ceremony will be held July 31 at 5:00 p.m. in the Meeting Room at NexusPark (2252 25th St, Columbus, IN 47201). This year’s recipients are Sarah Frasier and Steve Souder.
2023 Award Recipients

Director Mark Jones, Kathy McCaa (accepting the award posthumously for her daughter, Karen MaCaa), and Nathan Frasier
- Consider carefully the proposed candidate and be certain in your own mind that he or she truly qualifies for this award. Separate awards will be given for a male and female senior high through adult aged athlete, coach or organizer. Candidates must live or work in Bartholomew County.
- Fill out the Nomination Form as thoroughly and accurately as possible.
- Nomination forms can be dropped off, emailed or mailed:
Drop off – NexusPark, 2252 25th Street, Columbus, IN 47201
Email – with Jack Cramer Nomination Form in the subject line.
Mail – Ideals of Athletic Competition Award Program
Columbus Parks and Recreation Department
P.O. Box 858
Columbus, IN 47202 - The forms for 2024 must be received by the Selection Committee by June 18. Nominations received after June 18 will not be considered.
- Be prepared to meet the Selection Committee if requested to do so. Learn as much as you can about your candidate and be prepared to present your information accurately and concisely.
- When scheduled to meet with the Selection Committee, arrive promptly at the appointed time.
Nomination Forms (PDF)