When and where is equipment pickup?
July 17th-18th from 8am-6pm at Donner Center.

When will I hear from my child’s coach?
The coaches will receive their rosters on July 18th (if their background checks have already cleared). You should receive a call/email from your child’s coach by July 22nd. If you do not hear from them by this time then call our office at (812) 376-2680 for the coach assignment and contact info.

When are the games?
Games are played on Saturday mornings at 8:30 am, 10:00 am and 11:30 am at Blackwell Park behind Parkside School beginning August 10th and ending September 14th, 2024.

How long is the season?
There are six games (one per week, unless scheduled makeups)

What about practices?
Teams will be scheduled for 1 or 2 practices per week. The coach determines the day(s) and time(s) and will contact you with this information.

Can my child change teams if he/she cannot regularly make it to practice?
Unfortunately, no. Due to the size of our soccer program we are not able to accommodate everyone. Instead we require coaches not to cut a child’s playing time simply because the child is unable to get to practice.

What about uniforms?
Each player will receive a dry fit uniform. All players must provide their own shin guards and long socks (required). Cleats are optional and are the player’s responsibility.

What if I have a problem?
Go to the coach first. If that does not help, please contact the Division Manager for your child’s division.

How do I know if a game or practice is cancelled?
1) Remind App – Please use the code 8f983fk to sign up for the 2024 Fall Soccer Season Remind App.

2) Website – Check our cancellation page for these policies.

What if we have lost our game schedule?
Once we have the game schedules ready we will post them on this website. You will need to know what division your child is in and his/her coach.

Is there anything my child cannot wear?
Yes! Players cannot have any beads or hard objects in their hair as well as no earrings. New piercings cannot be covered with tape. No metal spikes on cleats.

Tools to help me manage my team or receive communication from my team?

Ask your coach for a link to join SportsYou. Each coach is provided the option of signing up for the app. The app provides the opportunity to communicate via messaging built into the app, uploading files, posting pictures, and so much more. We encourage all coaches and participants to use this app. It is available for use via the web, in the App store (Apple) or Google Play store. Instructions for starting an account are found here. (The code is a sample, each coach sends an invite to their participants/players once they get added as a coach and elect to use it.)

What equipment is provided to coaches?

Balls (3), cones, and a whistle. During games times, a first aid kit and AED are provided at the fields. Coaches should have a small array of first aid supplies (disinfectant and band aids) for practices. Coaches should also supply a t-shirt that differs from other team colors (recommend white) that can be worn by the goalie for their team (oversized works best to put it over shirts and be able to swap).

If you have any other questions that are not addressed here, feel free to contact your coach, division manager or the Parks and Recreation Department.