Visit the places on the Game On calendar. Take a picture of each adventure at that location/activity. Post the images to the Columbus Parks and Recreation Facebook page using both hashtags:
#ColumbusINParks #GameOn
Once you have completed 10 adventures, send a message to Columbus Parks and Recreation’s Facebook page and let us know you have completed your passport. Once your passport images have been reviewed you will receive a confirmation number to write on your passport. Return your passport to Donner Center between July 15th and July 30th to earn a prize as well as to be entered in our grand prize drawing for a Parks and Recreation gift basket.
Download your
Adventure Passport!
Feel free to do an alternative adventure of going to a park you have never visited before or taking a stroll down one of our many people trails. You can also visit any of our Parks and Recreation buildings such as Hamilton Community Center and Ice Arena, Donner Aquatic Center, The Commons or the Columbus Gymnastics Center. You can find a map of all our parks, buildings and people trails on our website and on the inside of the Adventure Passport.